Discover the Magic of Aerated Chocolate: Light, Fluffy Delights Perfect for Any Dessert!
Aerated chocolate
Create bubbly aero bar-style chocolate at home with this recipe for aerated chocolate.
- ISI or Whipping Siphon
- 8-10 0z Chocolate (about 300 g) Any kind
- vacuum seal container
- Place your vacuum seal container into the freezer.
- Chop your chocolate of choice and melt it over a bain-marie. I used about 300 g (about 8-10 oz) of chocolate for this.
- Pour the chocolate into a whipping siphon and charge with two N20 charges. Shake well for about a minute.
- Pull the vacuum seal container out of the freezer and spray in the aerated chocolate. It will look lighter in texture and colour but it’s the vacuuming that creates the big aero-style bubbles.
- Once all the chocolate is in the container, place the lid on securely and vacuum out the air. You’ll see the chocolate lift upwards as the bubbles expand.
- Gently place the container into the freezer to set. Once set, your aero chocolate is ready to eat and serve.